
Minecraft battle axe
Minecraft battle axe

minecraft battle axe

This is the case for all the combat-based enchantments (Smite, Sharpness, and Bane of the Arthropods), as well as Mending and Curse of Vanishing. Note that some axe enchantments can only be created using the Anvil. Search every temple, dungeon, and ruin you encounter to increase your chances of finding one! You can also get them from trading, fishing, or enemy drops. Although the Anvil is relatively easy to craft, Enchanted Books can be hard to get. You need 4 Iron Ingots and 3 Blocks of Iron to create one Anvil. Craft an Anvil and use Enchanted Books.To craft your first Bookshelf, you need 3 Books and 6 Wood Planks (any type). A total of 15 Bookshelves will get you to the maximum enchantment level of 30. Do make sure to leave one block of air between a Bookshelf and the Enchantment Table. If you want to increase the maximum axe enchantment level you can reach with the Enchantment Table, you need to surround it with Bookshelves.The maximum enchantment level you can reach depends on how much experience you have, and how many Bookshelves you placed. You also need some Lapis Lazuli (one to three pieces, depending on enchantment level) as fuel. You need to collect 4 Obsidian, 2 Minecraft diamonds, and 1 Book in order to make one Enchantment Table. Craft an Enchantment Table and use your experience points.Here’s how you can enchant your Minecraft axe: As the axe is one of the most-used items in the game, it’s usually a good idea to enchant it as soon as you’re able. Minecraft enchanting allows you to add extra abilities to a tool, weapon, armor piece, or book known as enchantments.

Minecraft battle axe